Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Boycotting Israel

Make sure those boycotting Israeli products especially boycott the technology or medical advances of the Israelis.  We wouldn’t want the Greens to have the benefits of that.  This means:

Destroy all personal medication.  Israel’s Teva Pharmaceuticals, the largest generic drugs company in the world, will have manufactured many of your medicines.  Staff with the following illnesses will need to take specific precautions -

Cancer - do not take any form of medication or treatment. Israeli scientists have been working at the forefront of oncology for decades.

AIDS and HIV – beware, researchers at Israel’s Weizmann Institute or Hebrew University developed or improved AZT and Hypericin-based drugs; they have also developed a treatment that destroys HIV-infected cells without damaging healthy ones.

Diabetes – do not measure or inject Insulin using the devices developed by Israeli scientists.

Multiple Sclerosis – stop taking Copaxone one of the most efficient medicines and the only non-interferon agent, as Teva developed it.  Don’t touch Laquinimod either.

Parkinson’s – remove the Israel-pioneered brain pacemaker to stop tremors. Discontinue Levodopa, which reduces motor disturbances. Cease sessions that involve magnetic cortex stimulation.

Staff with a family history of heart disease and arteriosclerosis must not use the Israeli device for early detection of these.  Rather, wait until onset of the disease.

Epileptics – stop treatment that may have benefited from the Israeli discovery of the underlying mutant gene; also throw away the bracelet that sends out an alert when a person goes into seizure.

Staff or relatives with Age-related Macular Degeneration - remove Israeli implants that arrest the disease.

Liver disease – abandon Israeli-developed antibody immunotherapy treatments.

Emphysema - steer clear of the Israeli protein replacement therapy

Myeloma – stop taking the drug Velcade, which was developed over a period of 30 years by scientists at Haifa.

Sleep apnea - no tests using the breakthrough Israeli device for diagnosis.

Dyslexics must not benefit from the Israeli Internet-based reading system.

Skin allergies must be treated with steroid creams only, as the new safer non-steroid alternative is Israeli.

Any incident of stroke or head trauma or onset of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MS, epilepsy, glaucoma or brain tumor must avoid using any of the Weizmann Institute’s patented methods of treatment.

Before any surgery or medical tests, check that hospital catheters have not been protected from infection using the new plastic from Israel that disables microorganisms. Avoid throat surgery as this may utilize Israeli surgical lasers.  Ensure any colonoscopy or gastro investigation does not use internal Israeli cameras such as the Pillcam.  Never undergo surgery to install an artificial heart, as the first artificial heart transplant took place in Israel.

Kidney transplant patients must wait for donors of the same blood group as only Israel’s revolutionary new methods allow donors from other blood groups.  Staff of Arab origin must not make use of the only database for matching potential Arab donors of bone-marrow - in Israel.

In the event of a spinal injury or disease, do not accept spinal implants - likely to be an Israeli product or development.  Heart rhythm problems must not be solved with the Israeli-developed heart pulse generator. All heart stents are off-limits as most of these originate from Israeli medical companies.

Check all vaccines as many of these have been developed in Israel.  Ensure that all X-rays do carry a radiation risk, as the only radiation-free system is Israeli.  Treatments derived from Stem Cell research must be avoided as most of these are Israeli-developed

If you or your family are struck with a bacterial infection, do not take alternatives to older, ineffective bacteria-resistant antibiotics, as an Israeli discovery will have been responsible for the modern, effective drugs. Check that any pain relief medication is not based on soya as an Israeli doctor discovered the beneficial effect of the soya bean.

Do not use the revolutionary new Israeli bandage that saved the life of Arizona senator Gabriella Giffords after she was shot in the head.  If you break a bone badly, reject any treatment that involves introducing collagen, as this may have been manufactured from Israeli plants .  Do not protect babies and infants from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome with the Babysense system from Israel.  Do not use Epilady (or epilator) – two Israelis invented this hair removal device.

Finally, reject all major dental treatment, as your teeth may need to be scanned with an Israeli-developed dental scanner .

And then we could start on the Israeli technological inventions.  But, it would just be easier for them to turn off their computers and mobile phones - for much of the technology is developed in Israel.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Hamas’s useful Americans

Guest Columnist: Hamas’s useful Americans

07/15/2011 16:51  By NITSANA DARSHAN-LEITNER 
Effective law enforcement will stop the next flotilla
From Boston Harbor to the jail cells of Birmingham to the public squares of Cairo, the American people have had a centuries-old love affair with the idea of regular citizens engaging in civil disobedience to bring down unjust laws, discriminatory policies and brutal regimes, through non-violent protests. It comes as no surprise, then, that a small group of Americans were involved in raising funds, outfitting ships and serving as crew and passengers on the boats for the flotilla that intended to breach Israel’s maritime blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Tragically, rather than engaging in authentic efforts to win freedom for an oppressed people, or acting to safeguard the liberties of an endangered minority, these Americans, wittingly or unwittingly, are lending material support and providing resources to Hamas and its goal of eradicating the Jewish state. If imperiling the security of innocent Israelis weren't enough, Hamas’s “useful Americans” are also violating numerous federal laws and recklessly endangering their own lives.

Pursuant to the Oslo Accords negotiated and signed between Israel and the PLO, the Palestinians agreed that the Gaza coastline would be placed under Israeli control and that no foreign ships would be allowed closer than 12 nautical miles from the shore. Israel demanded this out of concern over widespread import of conventional and unconventional weapons into Gaza. Had it not been for this provision, there would be no Palestinian Authority today, and Israel would not have withdrawn from Gaza.

Because of this agreement, the Gaza maritime blockade is consistent with international law, and violating it constitutes a hostile action against the State of Israel. As such, Israel is permitted to utilize all necessary force to repel any seafaring intruders.

The UN’s soon-to-be-released Palmer Report, which investigated last year’s flotilla, will confirm that this is true.

THE AMERICANS who organized the boats seemingly refuse to accept the validity of Israeli jurisdiction over the coastline and are determined to dangerously confront the Israel Navy and reach Gaza.

Ironically, those organizing and outfitting the ships, who claim that Israel is in violation of international law and Palestinian rights, have themselves run roughshod over numerous provisions of the federal penal code as they attempt to deliver material support and resources to the Hamas government, which is responsible for thousands of missile attacks on Israeli cities.

The Neutrality Act, legislated in 1789, prohibits American citizens from organizing or donating funds or participating in any military or naval expedition against an allied foreign nation. Although originally passed by Congress as an anti-piracy statute, its ancient provisions remain in force today. Related sections of the federal criminal code outlaw the furnishing of a sea vessel with the intent that it be employed to commit hostilities against a people with which the United States is at peace. The organizers of the Gaza flotilla have ignored these laws, as they openly raised funds via websites and public appeals.
Delivering goods and other cargo by ship to the Hamas government in Gaza, without the supervision of the Israeli army, would also constitute a violation of the American federal code. The Anti Terrorism Act of 2002 prohibits the provision of any material support or resources to a designated terrorist organization.

A recent US Supreme Court decision ruled that material support could be something as benign as legal advice and would certainly include weapons, funds or bunker-building supplies. If anyone were killed, as nine were last year, the organizers could be charged with murder.

These laws were enacted to ensure that US citizens would not engage in hostile campaigns against American allies lest the US be dragged deeper into foreign conflicts.

Moreover, they serve to ensure that terrorist organizations are not funded or supplied by American citizens or residents.

When these laws go unenforced because of some romanticized notion that the lawbreakers are modern-day Gandhis, Kings and Mandelas, they imperil not just innocent Israelis who bear the brunt of the murderous Hamas attacks, but the safety of all peoples in the region.

The residents of the Negev communities have suffered more than a decade of deadly missile attacks from Gaza. The unsupervised provision of materials or support to Hamas endangers their safety.

Peace treaties, to which the United States government served as an active intermediary, cannot be ignored. It is wholly negligent of the US Department of Justice not to have investigated and prosecuted the flotilla organizers. Israel’s citizens cannot accept that American law enforcement is turning a blind eye and providing safe harbor to those who would abet their destruction.

The best way to head off the next flotilla is to pursue legal proceedings against its organizers. It is up to the law enforcement agencies around the world to make sure that laws are followed.

The writer is an Israeli attorney and the director of Shurat HaDin – Israel Law Center.

Shurat HaDin - Israel Law Center
10 Hata'as St. Ramat Gan, 52512 Israel
Phone: 972-3-7514175    |    Fax: 972-3-7514174

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Israel really needs our help!
Please join me in signing this petition to Obama to VETO the unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state in the UN.
Click on the link below (or copy and paste) to sign the petition.
After you sign, click 'LIKE' on Facebook and forward the petition to all your friends.

The Greens and Israel

the following article was originally published by Daphne Anson : 

As for the Greens and Israel, one of my favourite verdicts was made in a Greenie NSW newspaper, The Byron Shire Echo, by Geoff Pahoff, who wrote inter alia to its editor:

'You complain about your "experience with the pro-Israel lobby". Given that you have never published anything that could be remotely described as "pro-Israel", it can only be that you never publish opinions that differ from yours or the "experience" you claim is very limited indeed. None at all. What is your problem? .... Who do you mean by this "lobby" anyway? Israel is solidly supported by every major political party in our country. As you would expect from a liberal democracy for the only liberal democracy in the Middle East and the only state there that provides and guarantees full political and civil rights for Arabs. Only some of your party's candidates and some of "One Nation"'s attack Israel so obsessively.Why? If by the "pro-Israel lobby", you mean Australian Jews, then say so. We need to know. About you. Not them.
 It is impossible to defend Israel, and the democratic secular Zionist principles that underpin it, without being accused of racism. Sooner or later it always happens. Always. It is also true that much of the incessant attacks on Israel, especially from the political extremes, and from militant Islamism, is driven by antisemitism. This cannot be honestly denied. It is everywhere.
....The situation in Gaza can be summed up in a sentence. Israel has the stark choice of either attempting a military blockade or simply allowing Hamas to become as lethally armed as Hezbollah. Gaza is an Iranian colony ruled by a subsidiary of the Muslim Brotherhood. Their grievance with Israel has nothing at all to do with "occupation". Gaza is not "occupied". Their grievance has everything to do with the fact that Israel is free, liberal and democratic and, above all, with the fact that Israel is the Jewish state. They say so again and again.
Nor do I accept that for you this is about the "Palestinians". The old hard left that now control your party in this state does not give a rat's arse about the Palestinians. They never have and they have been around for a long time. If they gave a damn at all they would be hollering from the rooftops for the liberation of these tragic people from the death grip of Hamas. For them, this is not about the Palestinians at all. Even less is it about the millions of people from Tunisia to Syria and beyond right now risking their lives in a desperate brave struggle for some of those freedoms that Israeli Arabs enjoy as of right and have for decades. For the old hard left, this is about something else entirely.'
 (Geoff's letter wasn't published.  See